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Tympanon Gallery, Stables

The name of the gallery was determined by an uncovered tympanum located between the Basilica of St. Prokopius and the crypt. The Castle Stables also serve for the exhibition purposes.

The Tympanon Gallery in the eastern wing of the Třebíč Castle is primarily intended for the presentation of works by regional artists and photographers, similar to the Castle Stables in the western part of the complex.

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Muzeum Vysočiny Třebíč

Zámek 1, 674 01 Třebíč
tel.: +420 568 408 890
e-mail: info@muzeumtr.cz
web: www.muzeumtr.cz

Opening hours

July - August

Monday - Sunday      9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

September - June

Thuesday - Sunday   9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

Admission Gallery

Full Price              25 CZK
Reduced Price     15 CZK


Admission Stables

Full Price               60 CZK
Reduced Price     35 CZK


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